
计算机网络 学校练习 英文

  • 合作方式:
  • 时间制 全国远程
  • 预估日薪:
  • 600
  • 预估总价:
  • 600元
  • 预估工时:
  • 1天
  • 所在区域:
  • 全国远程


Part 1: WLAN Network Design and Security
For this part of the assignment, you will perform a real-world WLAN site survey. Your task is to produce a map of (part of) a building that gives an overview of the wireless networks that are available, as well as an analysis of the network.

What you will need: a WiFi-enabled laptop (some smartphones also work, see below), and a place to scan. For example, you can perform a survey of your home, of an office space, of parts of the Monash campus. If you don’t own a suitable device that you could use for this activity, try to borrow one from a friend, or contact us to figure out an alternative.

You have to complete two tasks (a survey and a report).

Task 1.1: Survey (15 marks)
Create a map1 of the place you want to survey. A simple floorplan will be sufficient, it doesn’t have to be perfectly to scale. See the appendix for an example. The map needs to include distances and needs to be labelled with all relevant information (e.g. wall material, if used for the discussion). Your survey should cover an area of at least 60 square metres (e.g. 6x10 metres, or 4x15, or two storeys of 6x5 each). Be creative – the survey can include hallways or outside areas. Be sure to take the analysis in Task 1.2 into account, by designing your survey to include walls, doors etc. it will be easier to write something interesting in Task 1.2. Furthermore, your survey must include at least three WiFi access points. These can be your own, but can also include your neighbours’ APs or the ones at Monash, for example. If you are scanning in a commercial area or on campus, you should be able to see enough APs. If you want, you can create an additional AP with a phone (using “Personal hotspot” or “Tethering” features).

data directly into the maps, or a single map if you use additional tables. Create the map yourself, do not use the mapping features available in some commercial (i.e., paid) WLAN sniffing tools.

Task 1.2: Report (20 marks)
Write a report (word limit 600) on your observations analysing the data collected in the previous step (Task 1.1). Your analysis should investigate the following aspects:
Part 2: Internet Traffic Analysis (25 marks)
This part of the assignment requires you to download a PCAP file, open it in Wireshark and answer a few questions about the captured frames. The PCAP files are individualised, so make sure that you download the correct file while you are logged into Moodle.

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